5 of the Most Niche and Unique Festivals in the UK and Beyond
We found ourselves on the lookout for funtime opportunities over this frankly, so far underwhelming, summer. With all sorts of difficult news stories and uncertainty can you blame us for looking for a little light relief? We’re thinking dancing, making, playing and a sprinkle of the completely unknown. It’s important that even the most frivolous of pastimes doesn’t turn a complete blind eye to the place it exists within or the resources it consumes. So here are our top tips of festivals from the UK and Europe, we have eclectic tastes but we have a funny feeling that you do too! What do you make of our selection? We’d love to hear your suggestions from around the world!
Humble by Nature & Big Day Out // 1-3 July // South Wales // humblebynature.com
Humble By Nature is a farm located in South Wales, owned by Kate and Ludo. They’ve created a great place to complete workshops and learn skills in areas such as aquaponics, animal upkeep, food and cookery – something for everyone. It is seen as a great meeting point for people with new ideas and the inspiration for up and coming projects.
2015 was the first year to see the Big Day Out Festival, located on Kate and Ludo’s farm. BDO brought together a “wonderful gang of local producers, cooks and foragers…”, as well a good food, they also provide masses of fun for kids both big and small, including bushcraft, den building, crafts and skills. Not only is there delicious food, but plenty of local tipples too, Wye Valley has a great reputation for its micro-breweries and cider-makers… It’ll be a barrel of laughs, and they’re expecting to sell out again this year.
The Secret Garden Party // 21-24 July // secretgardenparty.com
To begin with, one of the known facts of SGP is the great community vibe of people attending. There are oodles of great people to get to know, and what better place to do that than at a secret…garden….party! Packed with small intriguing stages, carefully curated to squeeze every bit of fun out of the event.
One of the slightly bigger events over the course of the weekend is the Paint Fight, located usually at the Great Stage – need I say much more? This fantastic explosion of colour is the key for an inspirational weekend, how can you not love it? Completely crazy fun.
This festival is designed to inspire, so surround yourself with installation art, magical delights and surprises around each corner, join the Secret Garden party fun for 2016.
SHAMBALA // 25-28 August // shambalafestival.org
Green green green. Shambala is a winner. All around winner. It’s a winner for me, for my brother and his kids, and actually, probably, my grandma too (as long as she has luxury camping…)
Not only is it a truly innovative, beautiful space, Shambala is also “…committed to being as environmentally sustainable as possible…” In five years they have managed to reduce the onsite carbon footprint by 81%. They are now 100% renewably powered, and have been awarded twice the International ‘A Greener Festival Award’. Greeeeeeeeen.
Kids wise, it is perfect – with endless workshops and on goings happening at Playtopia throughout the day, your little people will keep happy. Don’t forget to explore the Woodland Tribe, where you’ll find nets high in trees, camp fires, bug hunts and natural art. And if that wasn’t enough to persuade you… little Shambalans are able to design and build their own adventure playground. Join Shambala 2016 to experience the fun for yourself.
Dimensions // 25-29 August // Croatia // dimensionsfestival.com
This beauty is not to be missed…
Dimensions has perhaps the most magical location imaginable – it is based in an abandoned Roman fort. Pair that with some of the best sound systems found around the world, and let them play to you the “…deep end of electronica, the finest in house, techno, world, disco, dubstep and other electrical sounds.”
Being on the beach, they will bring you chilled beats during the day, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate in the sun, and prepare for more fun on their renowned boat parties. Allow yourself some time to explore the cultural town of Pula, the city the festival sits on… and be sure to not miss Dimensions’ opening ceremony, located at the incredible Roman amphitheatre ruins in Pula. Your Antiform Linen Slouch Dress, styled up with festival gear and glitter, might just be the one for this getaway….
Not only is the sea sparklingly clear and incredibly warm, but it will do incredible wonders to your head in the morning. You also have the opportunity to go scuba diving in this beautiful location, something else I would thoroughly recommend.
Festival Number 6 // 1-4 September // Portmeirion // festivalnumber6.com
“…we wanted to create a more bespoke offering, carefully curated for those who are looking for a more refined weekend…”
We’ve been aware of this hidden paradise for a couple of years now and keep meaning to go. At Festival No.6, you are able to sleep in a castle cottage, a deluxe airstream, a boutique tipi (with a memory foam mattress), or of course your own tent.
Headliners this year include Hotchip and Noel Gallagher. You can also catch tunes later in the night from Roots Manuva, Crazy P and Ben UFO. Get your laughs with Johnny Vegas! Also catch Cassetteboy to see what they’re up too.
During Beck’s headline performance at No.6, he told the crowd: “This is the coolest, most surrealist, funkiest, freakiest, best festival in the world.”
This fest also offers a mermaid spa, as well as paddle boarding, plus you must join the illuminated procession during the weekend too! So head down from the 1st-4th of September, and don’t forget your Antiform leggings…
In celebration of the festival season and things that fight the gloom, this week only get 10% off all of our leggings range. Made in the UK in limited runs, with reclaimed fabrics and zero waste! Use code MUDBATH to grab your 10% off at checkout.